Repairing Window Shades and Rollers
Window shades, cracked and torn at the bottom but
otherwise in good condition, can be reversed to give good
service. To repair a shade:
1. Take it from the window, unroll it full length on a
flat surface and pull out the stick from the bottom hem.
2. Remove the shade from the roller, carefully lifting
out the small tacks with a knife so they may be used
again if possible. Staples may be used on newer shades.
3. Cut off the hem. This end will be retacked to the
roller so must be straight. Cut exactly at right angles
to the sides of shade.
4. Make a new hem. Trim and straighten the end that was
removed from the roller; then fold and stitch a hem the
same width as the hem you cut off. This new hem will be
at the bottom of the finished shade.
5. Put the cut edge of the shade back on the roller
absolutely straight so the shade will hang straight at
the window. On most rollers there is a pencil line drawn
from end to end by the manufacturer. If there is no line,
draw one exactly down the middle of the roller and at
right angles to the ends of it.
6. Use the old tacks, or about a no.2 1 size. Tacks must
not go through the roller into the spring. Or staple.
7. Lay the roller on top of shade with the spring end
toward the right.
8. Tack the unhemmed end of the shade back on the roller,
placing it exactly on the pencil line. Hammer a tack into
the exact center of the shade and the roller, and then at
each end. Avoid old tack holes. Continue tacking about 3
or 4 inches apart. Keep the tacks in a straight line at
an even distance from the edge of the shade all the way