Wood Furniture - Cracks
Checking and cracking of finishes is usually caused
by exposure to extreme heat or cold, or extremely dry or
wet environment, and appears as thin, hairline cracks. It
may also be affected by thickness of finish, chemicals in
the finish, and age. Although it is usually necessary to
refinish the surface, waxing with paste wax will improve
the appearance when checking is not too extreme.
Apply thinly, in a circular motion, and polish dry at
once with a clean cloth. Try to rub the wax out of the
cracks; if it dries in there, it may appear white. To
remove the white lines, rub with a cloth saturated in
turpentine. Use an old toothbrush to get wax out of the
crevices. Wash with mild soap and warm water, rinse with
clear water and dry well. Rewax the surface. NOTE--When
working on a checked finish, always use a circular