Maintenance and repair articles.

Coping with Wet Rugs

If rug and pad can be taken outside to a flat clean
area such as a concrete driveway, this is usually the
best procedure. On a sunny day the rug and pad may dry
fast enough to prevent damage. Any stain will wick to the
back instead of the tips of the face yarns if the rug is
placed face down. Drying can be accelerated by using fans
to blow air over the rug.

If the rug has been flooded with dirty water, a lot
of the wet soil can be flushed out with a garden hose. A
carpet cleaning solution can be used to clean the rug to
remove more soil. Caution should be used with any type of
electrical cleaning equipment on the wet rug as a severe
electrical shock may result.

Many of the larger cities have professional rug
cleaners who are equipped to clean and dry wet rugs at
their plant under controlled conditions. In most
instances, this is the best method to assure minimum

Some staining and shrinkage will occur. The amount of
shrinkage will depend on the fibers used in the back of
the rug and the construction used to make the rug. About
2% shrinkage is average in both the length and width, but
may be as high as 10% in the length for certain types of

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