Removing Evergreen Pitch
Whatever method you use, first test the
cleaning/removal material in an inconspicuous part of the
surface the label is stuck on the be sure it will not
damage that surface.
When working with evergreen branches, trimming the
Christmas tree, or working with evergreen cones, the
rosin or pitch from the cones or cut ends of branches
will stick to the skin. To remove try either of two
-dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol and rub the spots.
-rub the spots with lard or vegetable shortening; then
wipe off with paper towels or cloth and wash remaining
grease off with soap and water. Easiest way is to put a
tablespoonful or so of shortening on a scrap of waxed
paper or foil and lay a couple paper towels beside it on
a newspaper before starting to work with the evergreens;
then, at end of job you can just run shortening on sticky
spots on hands, wipe off and discard on paper; wash hands
and discard paper in trash without getting sticky or very
greasy hands on surfaces in home.