Outdoor Furniture Cushions--Care and Cleaning
Most new cushions are covered with coated or treated
strong synthetic fabrics that are not damaged by summer
weather and can be left outside all season. Polyacrylics
that feel like cotton but are water repellent and mildew
resistant, and open-weave polyesters (like tire cord
fiber) coated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or vinyl are
easy care.
Fillings are polyester which resists mildew and
doesn't hold water. Seams should be stitched with
polyester thread, and have buttons that allow water to
drain out bottom.
Cover cushions with towel if you have on suntan
lotion. The fabric, and sun lotion, when hit by sun's
ultra-violet rays create a chemical reaction that stains
the fabric.
If wet by a heavy rain, dry cushions faster by taking
out of frames and standing up on sides.
If you have cushions filled with urethane foam, these
are not completely weather proof. Neither are covers or
cotton or fabrics other than those listed above. So
protect such cushions from rain.
Wash with mild detergent suds and rinse. Follow label
directions for other procedures. Some manufacturers
recommend a flushing with a hose to remove soil. Be sure
cushions are completely dry before storing for winter.
Never wrap in plastic for storage. Store in dry place.
Some manufacturers recommend "deep cleaning" cushions
at the end of the summer with a solution of 1 cup liquid
chlorine bleach and 1 cup powdered laundry detergent to 3
gallons warm water. Flush cushions with solution on paved
driveway or patio, and let soak 30 minutes so bleach can
destroy any mildew inside.
Scrub any stains with a plastic scrub brush on coated
polyesters, a synthetic sponge on the acrylics. Then
rinse thoroughly with cold water. Dry several days in
sun until thoroughly dry all the way through before
storing. Follow this process ONLY IF recommended by
manufacturer of your new synthetic cushions. And NEVER
put undiluted chlorine bleach on cushions; dilute in
water as directed.