Cleaning Oil Finish Wood Furniture
To clean oiled wood, use a solution of 1 cup boiled
linseed oil, 1 cup turpentine, and 1/3 cup white vinegar.
Turpentine is flammable so do not use around flame or
spark; do not get on skin; do not breathe fumes. Wipe the
surface with a soft cloth that has been dipped in the
cleaning solution. Never pour the solution directly onto
the wood. Let the solution stand for a few minutes to
loosen the soil; then wipe off the excess. All excess oil
must be removed or it will attract dust and get sticky.
To finish, rub with the grain.
DO NOT USE wax or furniture polish on an oil finish.
Re-oil yearly with boiled linseed oil, tung oil, or a
product recommended by the manufacturer. These oils
harden when exposed to air and seal the wood. Never use
non-drying oils like mineral oil for wood finishes for
furniture. Avoid using an oil dressing too often or too
liberally as it will cause a hardened oil build-up. If
this happens, use mineral spirits (paint thinner) to
dissolve the residue.
CAUTION: When using mineral spirits or other
solvents, follow all label directions and warning. They
are flammable, so don't use near flame or spark or pilot
light, and don't smoke. Wear rubber gloves to protect
your hands, and dispose of them afterward or wash with
hot suds and let them air dry thoroughly before storing.
Work in well-ventilated room and avoid breathing fumes.
Air-dry cloths used to evaporate solvent before