Maintenance and repair articles.

Dryer Care

Be careful in using laundry products not to spill them
on exterior of dryer. Wipe up any spills at once. Most
exteriors are painted (synthetic enamel) which can be
damaged or removed by chlorine bleach, ammonia, solvents
or other chemicals often used in laundering and stain
removal. Do not use dryer top as work-top for stain
removal unless it is protected by heavy plastic cover, or
for rust removal. Use sink instead and (follow remover
product label directions exactly including flushing sink
with cold water!.

Do not spray pre-wash stain removers on clothing on
top of dryer unless top is protected completely; this may
corrode plastic control parts as well as paint.

Clean lint filter after each load for efficient
drying. If load is very linty, clean filter part-way
through drying cycle also. Clean out exhaust vent system
at least once a year, and be sure it is not clogged at
any time. NEVER vent dryer into house; vent outside.

Check labels on garments and other textile items and
never dry with heat those items which warn against such
drying lest a fire start. Never dry items used with
solvent or waxes for the same fire hazard reason.

Check loads before drying to remove any crayons, or
other items which could soften with heat and stain
clothes and/or dryer.

Follow manufacturers instructions in manual on using
fabric softeners in dryer, and do not use any type they
warn against.

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