Cleaning Chandeliers
1. Take out all bulbs and put them aside.
2. Lay a folded towel over the bottom of a sink or
dishpan. Half fill this with medium hot water. Add soap
or detergent and swish up suds.
3. Fill a large pan with clean hot water for rinsing.
Add a little ammonia to this rinse water for extra
sparkle. Also pad this pan with a towel to keep fine
glass from breaking.
4. To wash, take the crystal drops and saucers off of the
chandelier, a few at the time. Wipe the frame or "arm" of
the chandelier with a cloth wrung out of suds.
5. Wash the parts in the sudsy water. Rinse them with hot
water and wipe them dry. Then put them back right away to
make sure that they go in the right places. If any pins
or wires look weak or rusty, put in new ones.
6. Keep on taking down, washing, and rehanging more parts
until the whole piece is clean.
7. Sponge off the bulbs. Rinse them, wipe them dry and
put them into their sockets again.