Maintenance and repair articles.

Caring for Plastics

Plastics are generally odorless, tasteless, and non-
toxic. They are washable in warm sudsy water but vary in
resistance to scratching or breaking and tolerance to
heat-thermoplastics being reshaped by boiling water or
lower dry temperatures. Surfaces may be softened or
dulled by solvents and strong acids.

Read the care label that comes with any new plastic
item and follow it! Information on specific types of
plastic, commonly found in the home, covers general care
and cleaning tips but care labels on specific plastic
products are still your best source of care directions.
There are many more uses of various types of plastics in
appliances today, since parts with different shapes and
properties can be efficiently formed from plastics;
check your appliance manual for directions on how best to
care for and clean different plastic parts.

Avoid scratching, gouging, excessive heat, hard blows,
or household chemicals.

Wash appliances with sudsy water and rinse. Never use
scouring powder. Read appliance manual care instructions
for specific cleaning procedures for each plastic part
(which may be a different plastic).

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