Maintenance and repair articles.

Removing Mildew From Leather

To protect leather against mildew, treat with low-
pressure aerosol sprays that carry specific directions.
Shoe and luggage stores may have these aerosols sprays
that have been specially made for leather goods.

Before treating the article, test the spray on a
small area where it will not show. Do this to see whether
it will change the color of the leather. Repeat the
treatment as directed on the label.

PRECAUTION: Do not inhale the mist from the spray
and do not use spray near flame. Follow all precautions
given on the can.

Another way to protect leather goods is to apply a
good wax dressing. Some commercially available waxes or
silicone resins have antimildew properties. However, some
shoe dressings contain antifungicidal ingredients that
might discolor white or light-colored leather.

To remove mildew from leather goods, wipe with a
cloth moistened with diluted alcohol (1 cup denatured or
rubbing alcohol to 1 cup water). Dry in a current of air.
If mildew remains, wash with thick suds made from a mild
soap or detergent, saddle soap, or a soap containing a
germicide or fungicide. Then wipe with a damp cloth and
dry in an airy place. Polish leather shoes and luggage
with a good wax dressing.

Shoes contaminated with fungus growth on the inside
often develop unpleasant odors, and colored mildew shows
up on the inner sole and linings and up into the toe. You
can remove this kind of mildew with low-pressure sprays
especially intended for freshening shoes; these sprays are
available at shoe and department stores. Use these
products as directed.

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