Maintenance and repair articles.

After A Flood, Priorities

Priorities will vary with kind and seriousness of
damage. Buildings may not be habitable during repair.

1. Examine building structure. Check foundations for
settling, cracking or undermining. Examine walls, floors,
doors and windows to determine what repairs are
necessary. You may want to repair only temporarily until
extensive work can be done.

2. If basement is flooded, start pumping the water in
stages. Pump about a third of the water each day.

3. Get electrical system in operation. If switch box is
in a flooded basement, do not turn electricity back on
until water has been pumped out. Take electrical
appliances to a serviceman as soon as possible.

4. Get water system in operation. Disinfect wells and
water system.

5. Shovel out mud and silt before it dries.

6. Before they dry, wash down flooded walls and floors
with hose. Start at upper limit of flooding and work

7. Scrub and disinfect walls and floors.

8. Start heating system, if possible, to speed up
drying. Before operating it, heating system may need to
be cleaned, dried and reconditioned. Make sure chimneys
are clean before starting system.

9. Dry out walls and floors. If necessary for proper
drying, strip walls open up to water level. Drill holes
in exterior siding. Complete drying may take months.

10. Repair buckled walls and floors.

11. Clean and dry household items, furniture, carpets,
clothing, dishes, bedding. Disinfect when necessary.

12. Treat items for mildew as needed.

13. Care for damaged trees, shrubs, and lawn.

14. Repaint, repair, refinish as necessary.

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